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<r:var />

A tag for a variable. A variable is a place or tag that can hold different values at different times. 

It is a container for a value.

Attribute Options

name="something_to_call_it" - String, required. This attribute is the name of the variable.


<r:var name="my_variable_name" />

NOTE: Variable names should use underscores or camelCase. Do not use dashes as CleanSlate can interpret these as "minus" logic.

This tag is closely related to r:set_var.

See an example of r:var in Brand Pattern's main navigation file.

{{ var }}

A variable is a container for a value. It is a tag that can hold different values at different times.

The official Liquid documentation has a page dedicated to variables.

Filter options

See the docs on r:set_var and the official Liquid documentation to see available filters.


NOTE: Variable names should use underscores or camelCase. Do not use dashes as CleanSlate can interpret these as "minus" logic.

First, a variable must be created using assign or capture.

{% assign bear = "Smokey" %}

Then you can use your variable with either object or tag notation. Here's how to use it with object notation:

<h2>Hi, {{ bear }}!</h2>
<!-- Output: <h2>Hi, Smokey!<h2> -->

Here's how it would be used with tag notation:

{% if bear == "Smokey" %}
  Hello, {{ bear }}!
{% endif %}
<!-- Output: "Hello, Smokey!" -->

You can also combine variables with filters:

{{ bear | upcase }}
<!-- Output: "SMOKEY" -->

Last updated on March 16, 2021.

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