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Include a comment in your theme that can't be seen in HTML.


<r:comment>This text is a comment that users won't be able
to see, but anyone that edits your code can.</r:comment>

{% comment %}

Include a comment in your theme that can't be seen in HTML.


{% comment %}
  This text is a comment that users won't be able to see in the HTML source, but anyone that edits your code can.
{% endcomment %}

Last updated on March 15, 2021.

We welcome all questions, feedback and bug reports. If you're having an issue, we usually need the following information:

  • A brief description of the issue
  • A link to the page where you saw the issue
  • Screenshots that illustrate the problem - How do I take a screenshot?

Kindly email for help or use the form on the request help page.