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Read and use JSON data in a template

The Liquid Template Language has a built-in filter to parse JSON called parse_json. If your theme uses Radius, see "Radius" below.

This tutorial assumes that you already have a JSON endpoint available to consume. For the purposes of this tutorial, we're going to use the Faker API and their Persons JSON endpoint:

  1. First, get the URL for your JSON endpoint, eg:
  2. Next, choose a template to make edits to. We'll go with backpage.html.
  3. In backpage.html, paste the following code:
{% assign directory = 'YOUR_JSON_ENDPOINT_URL_HERE' | web_request | parse_json %}

  {% for person in %}
    <li id="directory-id--{{ }}" style="margin-bottom: 4rem;">
      <p>{{ person.firstname }} {{ person.lastname }}</p>
      <p>{{ }}</p>
      <p><a href="mailto:{{ }}">{{ }}</a></p>
      <img src="{{ person.image }}" alt="{{ person.firstname }} {{ person.lastname }} profile">
  {% endfor %}
  1. We're going to use the Faker API, so let's replace YOUR_JSON_ENDPOINT_URL_HERE with That should look like this:
{% assign directory = '' | web_request | parse_json %}
  1. If you have followed these instructions, you should now see the template output data from this JSON after pushing to production. Congrats!

NOTE: If you use a different JSON endpoint, you'll have to modify the dot notation to suit your data. To see what the data object looks like in CleanSlate, you can output it by pasting {{ directory }} anywhere into the template. To see a single record, you could do something like {{[0].firstname }}. Again, modify the dot notaion to suit your endpoint.


Unfortunately, the Radius Template Language does not have a way to natively parse JSON. If you want to use JSON in a theme that uses Radius, use JavaScript to render the data from JSON on page load.

Not sure what that means? Follow this tutorial on YouTube (or any number of others) for more information.

Last updated on November 9, 2022.

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