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<r:file />

A tag used in a loop to output a file and it's requisite properties.

Attribute Options

image_url - See r:image_url.

image_tag - See r:image_tag.

alt_text - Outputs the alt text of an image as listed in a file's properties.

size - Outputs the image at a certain size. Eg 250x250. Note: you can also specify an output file type after the size. Eg: 250x250.avif.

All fields listed in a file's properties are available to be output.


<r:files labels="tag1,tag2" types="image" labels_match="any" by="title" order="asc">
  <ul class="thumbnails">
        <a href="<r:file:image_url />">
          <r:file:image_tag size="250x250.webp" alt="{file:alt_text}" />


This tag references individual files and will always be used inside a files.{attr} loop.

Attribute options

download_url - Get the URL to download the file.

id - Get's the unique ID of the file. Returns a number (eg: 1234). Hover over the file's preview thumbnail in Files to find the file's ID.

title - Get the file's title as is listed in the file's properties in CleanSlate.

name - Get the file's name as is listed in the file's properties in CleanSlate.

alt_text - Get the file's alt text as is listed in the file's properties in CleanSlate.

filename - Get the filename as is lsited in the file's properties in CleanSlate.

description - Get the images's description as is listed in the images's properties in CleanSlate.

uploaded_at - Get the time the file was uploaded. Returns a valid timestamp (eg: 2021-02-23 16:37:27 -0500). You can pass this through the date filter (eg | date: "%Y-%m-%d") to change the output of the date string.

created_at - Get the time a file was created. Returns a valid timestamp (eg: 2021-02-23 16:37:27 -0500).

is_image - Checks if the file is an image format.

image_dimensions - Returns the original image dimensions of a file in a NxM format (eg: 100x150).

content - Outputs the contents of a file if it uses one of the following formats: xml, json, html, css, js, txt, text, csv.

File filters

date - Format a valid timestring into the format you want. See documentation for date .

image_url - Output an image's fully qualified URL in a loop. You can optionally pass it a specific size to output. Eg: {{ file | image_url }} OR {{ file | image_url: size: "250x" }} or {{ file | image_url: size: "250x500" }}. Note: you can also specify an output file type after the size. Eg: size: "250x500.avif".

image_path - Get the relative path to an image. Eg: {{ file | image_path }}.

background_styler - Output a CSS background-image as an inline style on an element. See example below.

first_random_image_tagged_with - Get the first random image tagged with a specific label. See example below.

get_file - Get a specific file by targeting it's ID. See example below.


Get a random image based on a label:

{% assign randomImage = site | first_random_image_tagged_with: tag: "backpage-1-thumbnail" %}
{% assign randomImage_url = randomImage | image_url: size: "1200x630.webp" %}
<img src="{{ randomImage_url }}" alt="{{ randomImage.alt_text }}">

☝️ Taking that one step further, assign a dynamic label based on the page slug:

{% assign page_slug_label = page.slug | append: "-thumbnail" %}
{% assign randomImage = site | first_random_image_tagged_with: tag: page_slug_label %}
{% assign randomImage_url = randomImage | image_url: size: "1200x630.webp" %}
<img src="{{ randomImage_url }}" alt="{{ randomImage.alt_text }}">

☝️ See more examples like these on the Get a random image, file, or blog article page.

Output markup for a lightbox gallery (extra CSS & JS required):

{% capture gallerypage %}{{ page.slug }}-gallery{% endcapture %}
{% assign images = site.files | filter_files: tags: gallerypage, types: "image" %}
{% for image in images.all %}
  <div class="image-container">
    <a href="{{ image | image_url: size: "960x640.webp" }}" title="{{ image.description }}">
      <img src="{{ image | image_url: size: "480x320.webp" }}" alt="{{ image.alt_text }}" />
{% endfor %}

☝️ Label images PAGE-SLUG-gallery to have images output via this loop. Change PAGE-SLUG to you're page's actual slug (eg: about-us becomes about-us-gallery).

Background styler example:

{% assign bgStyler = "backpage-1-thumbnail" | background_styler %}
<div class="my-div" {{ bgStyler }}>
  <p>The CSS background image is output on the parent <code>div</code>.</p>

<!-- Returns: -->
<div class="my-div" style="background-image: url(">
  <p>The CSS background image is output on the parent <code>div</code>.</p>

☝️ See more examples like this on the Get a random image, file, or blog article page.

Get the first random image tagged with a label:

{% assign my_random_image = site | first_random_image_tagged_with: tag: "backpage-1-thumbnail" %}
<img src="{{ my_random_image | image_url: size: "300x.webp" }}" alt="{{ my_random_image.alt_text }}" />

Get a file based off of a file ID:

{% assign myFile = site | get_file: 1234 %} <!-- 👈 Change to your file's ID -->
<p><a download href="{{ myFile.download_url }}">Download {{ myFile.title }}</a></p>

Loop through files labelled with download, wvu, or profile and return their properties:

{% assign files = site.files | filter_files: tags: "download,wvu,profile", types: "", tags_match: "any", order: "uploaded_at" %}
<ul class="files">
  {% for file in files.all %}
    <li class="span4">
      <span>{{ forloop.index }} - </span>
      <a href="{{ file.download_url }}" data-asset-id="{{ }}">{{ file.title }}</a>
      <small>({{ file.filename }} uploaded {{ file.uploaded_at | date: "%Y-%m-%d" }})</small>
        {% if file.is_image %}
          <img src="{{ file | image_url: size: "250x.webp" }}" /> <br/>
          Original Image Dimensions: {{ file.image_dimensions }} <br/>
          Image Path: {{ file | image_path }} <br/>
          Image URL: {{ file | image_url }}
        {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}

Last updated on September 30, 2022.

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  • A brief description of the issue
  • A link to the page where you saw the issue
  • Screenshots that illustrate the problem - How do I take a screenshot?

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