Logging In
This HOW-TO assumes you have the appropriate permissions to log into CleanSlate.
- Go to cleanslate.wvu.edu
- Input your personal WVU Login username and password.
- If you need help with your WVU Login credentials, please visit https://login.wvu.edu
- Click on the "Sign in" button.
CleanSlate says my WVU Login credentials are incorrect but I know they're correct. Shouldn't I be able to log in?
It could be that your WVU Login credentials are correct and that you don't have access to any sites in CleanSlate yet. You may need to request a CleanSlate account by contacting your Professional Technologist or a CleanSlate site owner to gain access to the site you're looking for.
Last updated on January 29, 2016.
We welcome all questions, feedback and bug reports. If you're having an issue, we usually need the following information:
- A brief description of the issue
- A link to the page where you saw the issue
- Screenshots that illustrate the problem - How do I take a screenshot?
Kindly email CleanSlate@mail.wvu.edu for help or use the form on the request help page.